This agreement applies to workers employed in schools who are part of: There is an enterprise agreement that covers salary and conditions for all school staff, teachers, administrative and school assistance (New South Wales and ACT Catholic Systemic Schools Enterprise Agreement 2015). Principals are covered by an agreement (main and regional diocese – Enterprise Agreement 2013). The staff in the CEO`s office have separate terms and conditions. Of those eligible to vote, 94.7% of diocesan school staff and 93.2% of staff in schools of the Religious Institute/Public Jurists voted in favour of these agreements. Presentation of the amendments and key features of the proposed agreement The Committee`s agreement may take some time depending on the complexity of the agreements reviewed and the workload of the PGA. NSW – ACT Catholic Systemic Schools Enterprise Agreement 2018 . In recent weeks, teachers at Queensland Catholic schools have been inquiring about the number of certification processes for the most comprehensive and lead teacher (HALT). The minimum right to our schools is described in the Catholic Education SA Enterprise Agreement 2017. .
Voting on the proposed new business agreements ended on Sunday, June 28, 2020. . Wage packaging conditions are system-wide. Once the proposed agreements have been approved by the FWC, they will come into force seven days later. The proposed enterprise agreements must now be submitted to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for legal approval. . Cairns Catholic Education Services Principals` Agreement 2016 Click here to visit the Country Incentives Program page. Catholic Employing Authorities Single Enterprise Collective Agreement – Diocesan Schools of Queensland 2019-2023 (proposed EA) Legal approval may not be obtained until term 4. Our employees are entitled to benefits and are subject to the obligations of the CEO`s 2014 collective operating contract.